4770K High Temps

I am currently working on a build for a friend of mine, he bought a 4770k and ASUS ROG VI Hero and H80i as a cooling solution. He is wishing to overclock his CPU which I am happy to help him with.

This being said at stock speeds and stock voltages his CPU hits 87C in under 60 seconds.  If we overclock to CPU his temps him 99C and the CPU begins to throttle. He exchanged the 4770k because of the high temps but even with a new CPU the temps still are around the same. It idles around 29C shoots up to 99C in under 30 seconds, when the test ends it drops right back down to 29C

Anyone got any thoughts, I'm starting to think it might be the H80i Cooler, but I want to see what anyone else thought.

Your voltages may be too high. If you are using Prime95 in particular the program can override you voltages and set them to unsafe levels.

1.2v static

have you tried the stock heat sink? To me it sounds like the water block isnt seated well or there is something wrong with the H80i, check the corsair link software and check water pump speeds, fan speeds and see if that looks good post a screen shot of corsair link under load if possible. Also what thermal paste did you use? The stock stuff is ok but not great also I had a bit of trouble getting the water block seated well, I had to do it 2 or 3 times before I was happy with my temps. I had to have my H100i replaced and they are really good with RMA's but it took almost a month but they sent me a new inbox part. 


Then the voltages aren't the issue. As ElectricJesus said your water block might not be set correctly or you may need a new layer of thermal paste


the waterblock has been reseated, and cooler master thermal compound was used, the same stuff that comes with the v6gt.  Same problem. Pump says its running at 2300rpm average. 

And the fans are spinning up? How about the stock heat sink? If you have the same issue with the stock heat sink it isn't the H80i but if you dont, RMA.