I'v been looking aroud for a cheap 450$ pc but most of them are pure gaming #Kill ur console type of pc builds..
So i thought that many active people here might help
What i need is a cheap 450$ pc with should be SMALL AND PORTABLE for casual using + gaming/Working with sound (Sound recording , editing sound= basicly needs a good onboard audio or a soundcard)
I'm far from educated on sound production, but at least from my understanding (like i said I might be completely wrong), sound production software favors a smaller number of strong cores, so I would think getting an i3 would work. And then probably add in a sound card since it's unlikely any motherboard in this budget would have really good onboard audio.
But seriously, I know very little about this topic.
Although, assuming the sound card is required, but not so much a high IPC CPU, you could go with an APU. It would give you more performance in gaming. I don't find it likely you'd be able to fit in a CPU + GPU in this budget if you also need a sound card.
If HD or bigger res gaming is your objective you can stop looking at integrated graphics. Otherwise you can lower settings on an intel hd 4600 and still play new casual games with no sweat compared to an entry level GPU.
So my advice is get a haswell i5 with a microATX z87 motherboard and dual channel RAM.
Always check benchmarks for the programs you use beforehand. Don't trust word of mouth on forums you won't know what you'll be getting. If the programs you use favor AMD's processors then go with AMD, as they have a cheaper platform and the integrated graphics are better on the A10 kaveri.
Thanks tropiko , can u be more precise and build the system on pcpartpicker , that would help significantly!
I plan using ASUS Xonar Essense STX as a soundcard
Get a portable case like this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSOxvwbke9w
Get an i5 4440, it's got decent enough HD 4600 graphics and can work silently and has better power efficiency than prev. gen or AMD right now.
Get a brand name PSU like a Corsair CX430
Also get a big SSD instead of HDD.
And a modular (CX430m) makes more sense for cable management. But since you won't have a graphics card in there you'll have plenty of space.
This is what I would suggest. A little over but best bang for the buck. Motherboard has really good on board audio. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3QDVJ