I'm building a PC for a friend and he was very specific with what he wanted for a case so that's out of the question. The case and PSU is paid for and I gave him the SSD and a copy of Windows. That leaves 450€ to the CPU, Mobo, Ram, GPU and a HDD. I live in Europe.
Case : SilverStone ML07 [PAID]
PSU : SilverStone SFX 450W [PAID]
OS : Windows 8.1 [PAID]
SSD : Samsung 120GB Evo. [PAID]
What would you recommend? The motherboard has to be ITX
He will be using it for gaming.
I will be buying from Amazon within the EU as they are the best at customer service.
What country?
Get windows here ---> https://forum.teksyndicate.com/t/wts-windows-keys-and-a-few-other-products-paypal-bitcoin/68302
What does your friend want to do with it? Gaming, Editing (video), just light office work...?
I live in Denmark but I will be buying from Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.fr or Amazon.de.
He will be gaming and nothing else really.
I gave a copy to him already so why would you link me?
SSD is already bought.
450€ might be a bit tight
He isn't the type that cares all that much about the graphics. He just wants to be able to sit down and play games without too much fuss. He has a 1080p screen though.
I know this will get upgraded immidiatley, but still here's what I came up with.
Total is 399,91€
That is actually quite good. He has 50€ for shipping on top of the 450. I like the way you are going but for a bit more I could get a used Asus Z87I-Pro for 90€ and a R9 280 for 195€. After calculating shipping he has 20€ to spare.
Wouldn't that be solid ground to start on? On my second rig I have a Pentium which I was able to get 4.3 on the stock cooler with the temps around the the 65C mark @ 1.267
v. I hope I will be able to push the other one more.
AFAIK the g3258 is a very good overclocker, so if he'd buy a Cooler Master Hyper 212 later on i'm pretty sure a nice overclock shouldn't be a problem. The Z87 would be better, buying used can be a risk but i'd probably still go for it. If you can get a 280 for that price, i'd go for it. But do look around a bit more - UK usually has better prices/deals on hardware. I just posted everything from geizhals since they list prices from a number of retailers (kinda like pcpartpicker) and the prices are in €.
Thanks for the help. He knows nothing about computers so it will be fun to build it with him.
€25 over budget, but the 960 will work better with your power supply.... you can upgrade to i5 etc later and add another 4gb ram.
hope this helps.
I ran a 290 on that PSU once so I have no doubt it will be able to handle a 280. The 960 is so terrible for the price/performance. I found a used Z87I Pro form Asus for 60£ which was a steal. He will probably upgrade to an i5 sooner or later. But thx for the contribution :)