I just wanna say I'm happy to see the community back and in full swing. Few days ago it wasn't any more than 16, maybe. If we were lucky.
Thanks for coming back and welcome if you're new. You guys are awesome.
I just wanna say I'm happy to see the community back and in full swing. Few days ago it wasn't any more than 16, maybe. If we were lucky.
Thanks for coming back and welcome if you're new. You guys are awesome.
in 2016, a crack shitposting until was banished from the Tek Syndicate forums for being too dank. now on Level1Techs, they operate as one giant mass of weaponised autism with absolutely no taste whatsoever. if you need memes, and if you can find them, your thread too can be made worse by..
The Lounge
@SoulFallen as Captain Leadery McDankbles
@kewldude007 as Memein' Mad Notric
@anon43920604 as TA "Tinfoil" Hatticus
and @Goblin as the other dude who will likely get banned for this absolutely retarded post.
score and car flips by @anon3995720
I apologize for the lack of Tinfoil as of late, my internet has been 100% down since last friday.
Resuming normal tinfoil hat operations now.
I think we're going to have to upgrade to copper foil we've fallen behind production rate.
It's a definite possibility. Perhaps brass?