430W PSU Enough?

Would a 430W PSU be sufficient enough for these specs.

CPU-FX- 6300

RAM- 8GB G. Skill Ripjaws

HDD- 1TB WD Blue


MoBo- ASUS M5A97 R2.0

PSU- Corsair CX430

I have a similar rig as you except I have a 7870 and 500w was not enough for me had to replace it with a better psu. So I don't know might just want to stay safe and get a good psu.

Wouldn't expect that build to pull more than 350W, to be honest.

650TI boost 150w (TDP) FX 6300 95W (TDP) HDD/RAM/MOBO 20/30w you are fine with 430w's but i will say the XFX 450W psu is the same price as the CX units and a much better OEM (its a seasonic with a sticker on it)

If you can find one thats a better psu to get.

I would've bought a 500w psu but I already purchased the cx430 on black friday due to a really good deal right now I'm stuck with either this gfx card http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121772r this one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130915

You are fine with ether card (7790 is a 85w TDP card) the 650ti boost is a better card it is around the same as a HD7850-the HD7850 being a little better in more games.

Alright thanks! Anyone know which card runs hotter and louder I looked around but couldn't find any exact comparisons, I wanna get the card that'll go better with my case in terms of airflow/cooling. My case is the NZXT Source 210 Elite

http://www.anandtech.com/bench/product/782?vs=776 scroll down to the bottem of the page to see power/noise levels

So they're basically around the same. Alright thanks guys I'm gonna grab the 650 ti boost while its available.