$400 Gaming Build

Iam looking to enter the Gaming pc world but i am 13 and limited money. So i want a $4OO rig that can play most games at medium quilty at 3O fps or more. I dont have any builds because i suck with staying under budget and I cant decide betweem two things.

If i should get a Fx-61OO with a 777O ghz edition from Msi or I dont know if this is possible, a Phenom x4 with a 785O or something. Or there is another option i thought of. The Amd A1O 58OOK + 667O with 1866 mhz ram. I heard good things of the 777O but it seems it cant run modern graphic intense games very well. 

Games I would like to play: Battlefield 3 (Medium Quilty), Minecraft (Max graphics), Guild Wars 2 (Max or Very High Quilty)

   Really what I want is a gaming rig able to handle most games with decent fps on Medium to High quilty. I am on a very tight budget and anything you can do to make a perfect buildfor a Newb then tanks guys! ___ Luke

Are you allergic to using 0's?

Use this best. 



GPU 7850:http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814161426






Beast. -____-


Phenom 965 I'm pretty sure is nicer than the 6100 series chips.

That build ^ will play BF3 on Ultra so yeah :D The 7850

is a crazy good GPU.

No lol sorry, For some reason the 0 doesnt work on my phones keypad.


Thx for the build. But that Cpu seems very "old". I know the GPU is the main part but is 2 cores very good? 

I like the previous build but anymore suggestions will be helpful for multiple choices. Thanks and please Pcpartpicker. It's easier for me to use on my crappy phone. Thanks

That dual core should be enough for what you need. It is a bottleneck, but for $400 it's wise to pool a arge amount into your gpu, then buying a cpu that can do the things you want until you have more money to invest. AM3+ caps out at the next generation of AMD cpus (Beyond the 8350fx) so you shouldn't be worried about the processor. 

This build won't give you the best frame rates per dollar, but it is the best seed build i've seen in a while. Only con is that you can't oc very well on that board. But it's $50 so no skin off your bones when it comes time to replace.

hmmmm can you save up some more money? Because the things your asking for is kinda crazy for the price you want it in. Also I have a FX6100 and 7770, but the reason i got that is because i mainly play sc2 and some other games that are CPU demanding