$400-500 Build (No Mouse Keyboard Etc)

Heres just what I would like to try to have in this build, 8GB Ram, 1TB (If not possible 500GB) Storage and a fairly good GFX Card.

I don't need Mouse, Keyboard, Monitor, Speakers or OS

It would also help if you tell me about what the framerate in games would be, (Diablo, Minecraft) - I play these alot but if it could handle diablo good it could run any other games that I play. (I don't really play COD or Battlefield)


Here is what I would reccomend you can crossfire the 6670 and the a10 for better graphics performance also I assume you dont have a copy of windows so I threw that in there :)


Hope it helped! 

Thanks :) I appreciate it. (I don't really need windows though)

Ah then all the better 

I just want to know, one more thing, how can I be sure all the parts will go together (I don't want to buy the parts then it not work) and also, Since I won't need windows, would I be able to add another GFX or would the mobo not support it?

If you don't need Windows, then you can get a better GPU to Crossfire with the APU, such as an AMD 7770.


a thread was made yesterday showing a phenom 975 for the same price, so if you can find the thread it'd help. its like a sales thread.

could throw a pricier mobo in if needed.