4 gpu to pick , but which one?

hi ;3 I dont know which one 2 pick plz help ! ;D

1.EVGA GeForce GTX 760

2.XFX AMD Radeon R9 280

3.MSI AMD Radeon R9 280

4.MSI AMD Radeon R9 270X

5.suggestion ???????????


Obviously the last few cars are going to be pretty similar, but I can say from experience that the XFX cards are pretty boss. However I'm also an nVidia guy, so I'm keen to the 760, but any of the R9s will be more recent, and probably the better choice.

Msi R9 280

Well, what si your budget and what do you want to do?

The 270X is the least powerful, followed by the 760 and then the 280. 

I'd recommend the MSI 280 or 285.

https://teksyndicate.com/forum/build-pc/my-first-build-help-plz/192284 <--what will I do with this stuff) 

My budget is 210 euro =242 USD

Thanks :3

Well, if youre going to play bf4 on it, Id get an AMD CPU like an fx 8320 and a r9 290 x (I got a tri x for 170 euros) cause then you can run Mantle (I have an fx8120 and still get solid 60fps all ultra 1440p) cause bf4 uses Mantle which is optimised for amd. amd is also cheaper than Intel/Nvidia.. 


For 210 euro, just go for a secondhand R9 290. Unbeatable price to performance ratio.

kay thanks ;3 , do you have a brand that you would suggest ?


thank you :D