3D mouse not working over RDP

Hi everyone!
I’m trying to use my 3D mouse while working on a remote computer through RDP but it’s not working at all. It’s fine on my local machine, but as soon as I connect remotely nothing happens.
Has anyone else dealt with this? Any tips or tricks to get it working?



If you need to install drivers for the mouse, most likely RDP isn’t going to work. Basic RDP only supports regular mouse inputs.

You may be able to configure USB redirection over RDP by following this guide below, and select the “Microsoft Dev Box”/“Group Policy” path:

Edit: have a regular mouse handy as well, you may lose mouse input on your desktop if you do this.

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Yup its not mouse from RDP protocol perspective, just usb device. And usb device redirection is not on by default.

As far as I know, RDP doesn’t natively support advanced USB devices like 3D mice, which is probably why it’s not working on your remote machine.
To get it working, you’ll need to enable USB redirection in your RDP settings. That said, even with everything set up correctly, some features of the 3D mouse might not work as expected. It can be pretty unreliable for more advanced tasks.
It’s better to use apps that handle USB redirection more effectively, as they make the process much easier.
Here’s how to set up a 3d mouse over remote desktop and there’s a video you can watch to guide you through the process.

Here are the two videos @fDrot referred to.