3770k + 7970 gaming rig

So I bought a 3770k, and I plan to get a 7970 card over a gtx 680 because of the games bundle.

I also plan to eventually aquire a second 7970 after AMD releases the 8000 series or if can get cheap one off of a friend or ebay.

I want to overclock both the cpu and gpu eventually. 

This will be my primary gaming machine for the next 5-8 years.

What motherboard should I get and which 7970 i should get (Brand and GHz ed)?




I coudn't find a non Ghz Ed from Sapphire in pcpartpicker so get the non Ghz Ed since you are overclocking your self.


Thanks, Im going to take a look at motherboard and buy the gpu now

Here is a round up from another forum site I used this when purchasing my 7970's. Alot of people on this forum swear by the Asus 7970's it seems. I use a MSI z77 Mpower mobo with my set up. It runs around $189-210 depending where you shop.