$350 strict budget pc


Build has been purchased and I'm waiting for it to arrive.


  • CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black
  • GPU: Sapphire HD 7770 1GB 100358L GDDR5
  • RAM: Mushkin Blackline Enhanced 1600MHz DDR3 (One 4 GB stick)
  • Case: NZXT Source 210 Black
  • PSU: Antec 450w 

I'm stealing a 500 GB 7200RPM HDD out of my current PC.

Should be here by Thanksgiving. I'll be doing unboxing videos on my youtube channel for all parts.



Hey guys. Let me tell you what's what so you can tell me that's this.

I need a PC that can run games like Borderlands 2, Black Ops 2, Skyrim, and Fallout 3 (the games I expect to be playing most of the new year) at acceptable framerates (30+ FPS) at a resolution of 1360x768 (720p.)

I would also like to be able to use this build for 3D Rendering in programs like Cinema 4D, 3DS MAX, and some video editing in After Effects CS6.

I'm more preffered on the gaming rather than the 3D rendering. Meaning if it's between a better CPU w/ smaller GPU vs better GPU w/ smaller CPU, I'd prefer the better GPU.

My budget is $350 for parts. Shipping is about $20 and I've got that set aside. Now, show me those awesome builds.

Also, I'll be purchasing the parts on CYBER MONDAY so make sure that the rebates and stuff don't expire by then. :)

Thanks guys. Lemme see what'cha got.

PS: I intend to upgrade this build sometime in March, if not build a new system entirely. So please take upgradeability into account.

PPS: One thing I should mention; I'd prefer all of these to be from ONE store. i.e; every part comes from NewEgg.

PPPS: Also, don't worry about an HDD. I've got a 500GB in my pc that I can yank out and transfer.

Full list of games I intend to play:



Black Ops 2

Fallout 3

Portal 2

Borderlands 2


Darksiders 2

Left 4 Dead 2

http://pcpartpicker.com/p/nTsu. Here is this. It's $380 it's over budget but it's hard to keep it below $350. It's a triple core CPU but the motherboard supports core unlock so you can make it a quad.

Looks good. But you could swap that Asus with a Sapphire and save $15. I know this because I was looking at them earlier lol.


Yeah, that's a good choice. I didn't see it in part picker.. ahah. I am in kinda the same delema but I have about $450 to spend. I am planning on just buying everything but a Graphics card for now since I already have a GT 520 which I can deal with for awhile.

Get one of the integrated graphics AMD processors. Guys, help me out here. There is a $350 Tek Syndicate build or something. Somebody help me out here. The integrated AMD graphics KILL intels integrated 4000 graphics they have on the i3 i5 i7 ivy bridge.


Somebody help me out with the processor model #. Do not buy until you check out that AMD prosessor. You'll get decent frame rates on all new games. You can crossfire the integrated to a dedicated without a crossfire cable and it's a decent machine, or you can sell you GT520 and still have a decent graphics card in the meantime and upgrade after you sell it.  

If I go with the 6670 listed, it puts me about $320 for the build and $22 shipping. But that Ultimate 6670 just seems like it would be better. Which do you think would be better? The one I listed above or this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102950 ?


You should've replied directly to his comment. I've seen the $350 TekSyn build. Have the video on it bookmarked. But that's a build for strict gaming.


I have two builds I am probably going to choose from. Either http://pcpartpicker.com/p/nRIb or http://pcpartpicker.com/p/nTcw. And then I am going to be getting a new phone soon so I was just going to sell my Incredible 2 for about $100 and but a 550 ti.

Hey, question about the build. One guy on newegg says: "Cons: Intel only - no 8 pin connector for 12 volt supply to motherboard (No AMDs)" In a review on the tower. This is an AMD build you set up here. I'm a total newb when it comes to builds so is this a problem or what?


So will the Apevia X-Trooper (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811144265) work with the Gigabyte Mobo (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128553) or not? It's an AMD Motherboard. There seemed to be some worries about only being able to use Intels with this due to something about pin-connectors. Review below:

3/5 Eggs. "Intel Only"

Pros: Lots of bays, top-front port access

Cons: Intel only - no 8 pin connector for 12 volt supply to motherboard (No AMDs) and 3.5 inch drive bays installed backwards (as far as I'm concerned) - you have to take off the opposite side of the case to access drive connectors.

Other Thoughts: Incomplete description leads you to think power supply is a universal - it's not.

Yeah, the power supply is not compatible. But you could get a 8-pin to 4-pin. Or you could just choose a different case/PSU.

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811156256 This should work though

I'd go with the intel build as you wil have a better future proof build if you choose that one since you can upgrade the processor to an i5 later on or i7. But if you want imediate performance, go with the amd build as it will pack a bitmore of a punch than the the i3, but the i3 is still a good choice. Heres a link they have it against an i3-3225 (different, but around the same performance). Either of those are good as I stated, But If it was me I'd go with Intel.

Thanks, mate. I couldn't find any with a PSU that had good reviews. This one looks like it'll function proper, although it seems a chance of the PSU being dead on arrival.

And one person noted, under cons..

"-Cheap PSU (OK if you use on-board or APU graphics) don't recommend for discrete GPU's"

I think I'll just swap the Sapphire 6670 Ultimate with the HIS 6670. It's got a lower effective clock, but it's a 2GB model.


This puts my total at $265 before shipping. Leaving me with plenty of money for a Lepa 550w and a fairly decent case.

Here's the config I've got. Anyone have any thoughts? Please tell me if you see something that you don't think is proper.


That should work just fine, But you're forgeting a HDD.

Re-read the topic post. I'm gonna yank my HDD out of my computer I'm using. This build is only temporary until about March or April. I'll be getting a nice 128GB A-Data SSD, a SeaGate 1TB for data, and probably just do a complete new build.


Why not


Cheaper and probably alot better than mushkin, never even heard of them before.


Also you can probably get a free old chassi if you ask any of your firends, or maybe you even got one at home, you will save some money there, and maybe get a better graphics card etc. The CPU is just fine tho.

If you find a free chassi, you might get a 7770 instead, that would be the next step. After that you should look at a 650TI, or a 7850 after that, if you have enought money. It will severly help your gaming.

If I had any friends or old cases lying around, of course I would skip out on buying them. But I don't. I have nothing computer-related just lying around. :/ Sadly.