£350 PC for light gaming

Hello everyone. 

My little brother wants a PC to play with his friends on League of Legends and some other games like Call of Duty. The thing is he only has £350 and he needs a monitor, keyboard and speakers. 

I have made this build i just want to see if it is any good or can there be anything else?



http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/22h4a I would change the APu out for the 760k becasue for £12 is wipes the floor with the apus in cpu performance and i allso left the 6670 as there is not realy anything better under £50.

Hmm... It would beat it processing wise but would it beat it gaming wise? As that is going to be his primary use of it. I know the APU's and HD 6670 can cross fire so wouldn't that be better?

Not really as the apu is using very slow ram so you will get a very small performance increase on the gpu and the apu are in crossfire.


Any other idea's?

Tell him its better to get a console for that price, I mean I know graphics aren't everthing but hell have to run at 720p low settings and hell get like 25 fps even on those games and he won't even be able to run games like bf4 without getting 15 fps or lower which is unplayable. Consoles have all the third party games, a lot of exclusives and many indie games, still not as much on pc but a lot still. He'll even save 11 pounds because its only 349.

You cant play League on a console. Plus i am pretty sure at 720p you can easily get more than 15 fps on BF4 as you can get over 60 (high settings) on BF3. 

With a 6400k and no vram on high settings go vram, not happening. But anyway its still a way better option to get a ps4 at this price range, also I'm sure there will be a is hack so you can get linux or windows on the ps4 so he can turn it into a pc if he wants.

There is also a HD 6670. 

 lol is a very big game so its definitely coming to console, no way they would miss out on a market that big I mean even dots 2 is coming to mobile and doesn't he want to play anything else, I mean there are so many good games out there.

Should he just go a10 6800k (or the a8 variant) and then buy a GPU later on?

dont buy the 6670 becasue it would be worth just getting faster ram.Faster ram=more performance

Thinking of buy this one. 


Probably the best you'll be able to get out of your budget.