$350 Gaming PC!

Hey guys, I put together a $350 gaming pc for my living room what do you all think? I already have HDD and Optical drive. ;)


Parts list: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1E2Vu

Leave suggestions!

That looks good if you can the athlon x4 750k and a fm2 motherboard would be better but that cpu would be fine and you can get some good gaming on that machine.

Well, I want less power consumption because its behinds my tv. Lol, thanks for suggestion though.

Ya then you will be happy with that build it will be very low power probably around what a xbox 360 pulls form the wall (150w) I would guess only about 200w under full load

I like it, might have to buy one myself.

Cool dude. I changed out ram and MOBO. I think it's better for $8 over budget.