I have a very very tight budget of £320 , what do you think of this: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/TX2Lqs
R7 260X would beat the A10-7850k's GPU by quite a large margin.
Alright thanks, but since there is now a dedicated graphics card, wouldn't be alright to go with this ram: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/patriot-memory-psd38g1600k ?
So if I went with the cheaper ram and a slightly cheaper power supply i can get this: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/vRhN99 because I just managed to get another £10
Do you plan to overclock?
Looks good for the money, if you want to upgrade your pc later on
you could add a proper cooler and oc a bit (maybe dont get super crazy with that mobo),
get a better gpu or add a boot ssd.
Some additional fans for the case would also be nice.