Hi, i am thinking about buying a pair of Beyerdynamic dt770s, but the question is, will i really notice a difference from the 32 ohm version to the 80 ohm version, otr am i just gonna waste money?
Differences between ohm's in headphones is a very difficult thing to explain via text. The best thing I can suggest is to find a store that has different ohm headphones on display and listen to them yourself. I went from regular 32 ohm headphones to 250. There is a significant difference but there are more things I changed than just ohms. Things like brand/ open closed/ padding. Also the different kinds of sources you are listening from can make differences too. Higher ohms does not always mean better sound.
Ok, so it isnt going to directly change a lot? Looking at different stores, the 80ohms are only a fraction more expensive, but im probably gonna have to test it
Yeah, also do you have a amp or dac? Those can make a difference as well. I have to say too, I have only heard good things about the DT 770 line.
I've been looking into getting a DAC, is the Fiijo D03 any good, im only getting into the audio scene like right now, so i dont know a lot about what's good/bad. I'll link a spec sheet below.
I'm pretty new too. I just recently got into the hi-fi world of sound. I went from some shitty Razer headphones to DT 990 Pro (250) and Schiit Modi + Magni. It was a gamble, I had no idea what I was getting until I got it. Was well worth it though. I'm sure some other people can tell you what to avoid. Head-fi.org also has some great information.