32-bit Arch Linux chroot

For the last week I've been trying to create a 32-bit Arch Linux chroot so I can install Steam in it and not have 32-bit stuff invading my 64-bit installation. 

These are the methods I've tried:




and I've tried a bootstrap https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Install_from_Existing_Linux

All of these work in some way but none of them handle installing packages or mounting /sys etc elegantly.

If anyone knows of a better way to create a chroot I would love to hear it!



There was a time when multilib didn't play nice so chrooting/jails were necessary - how times change.

If you're using Xyne's arch32-light package - what's wrong with pacman32 and his config/mount array?

I would have though syncing your chroot with a basic config file would be the simplest method.

Using arch32-light pacman32 complains about architectures not being correct.

User error, did you fix it?