$3000 Gaming and Video Editing build help

I'm building a $3000 PC this summer(overkill I know) And this is what I have as of now, my budget is $3000, if you can lower the price that would be cool but I don't want a budget PC, I want the best performance possible.

Here's my build so far: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3kjNW

You are spending too much on the psu in my opinion. That psu is something you would get for 3 or 4 way sli. It is usually best to have a single strong gpu for gaming and instead of adding more of the same gpu on later it is better to just sell it off and buy a new highend model.

 Also in this budget range you should be going with intel. A 4770k or 4930k are both easily doable within that budget

What sort of video editing will you be doing? With what programs (and versions of those programs)?

I've made some substantial adjustments, based on what I feel would work best for editing, etc., but without more information, these tweaks may not be quite as useful.


Swapped to Intel and a rather strong Core i7 because of its reputation for editing.

Changed the CPU cooler to something that's less likely to have issues with fitting with all the other parts.

Swapped motherboard because of the processor change.

Upped the RAM to 32GB. My mom does video editing and, with After Effects, for example, regularly bleeds into the 28-29GB range of RAM use,

Scrapped the Corsair SSDs in favour of a higher capacity Samsung EVO.

Greatly upped your storage--if you're working with video, you'll be munching through it like crazy. You could even jump up to WD's 4TB drives if you were feeling crazy, but that may be overkill. One for regular storage, one for overflow/scratch disk.

Changed the PSU to something far less overkill.

Scrapped the WiFi adapter as the Motherboard in the new build has integrated WiFi.

Dropped the video card down a few notches. I feel that the bleeding edge of video cards is overkill, but you can do whatever you feel like spending that cash on, I guess.

Just my 2 cents.

a 760 is way to weak of a gpu for a 3000 dollar build. A standard 780 with a nice cooler would probably be the sweetspot.

A bit over $3000, but here's the same build with your feedback taken into consideration:


That looks good. The only thing I will tell you is my wife has two of those monitors and hates them. The image quality is ok but there are not wall mounts and the stands make it impossible to level them. If you are going to have 3 that will probably be an issue. 

Yeah, I didn't adjust the monitors from the original build. Figured that, the case, and peripherals were okay enough for him to go ahead with them. Internals were my focus for the changes.

http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3kywV I think in a 3K editing rig, that going to an I7 is probably a good idea. For a triple monitor setup I think the difference of 780 vs a 780 ti makes the ti a great buy. Getting a 4930k is really going to help with rendering but if you get one you cannot afford the 780 ti in this budget range. A opted to get a 780 ti over the 4930k because I'm getting the vibe that its more gaming than editing. The original build only used 16gb's of ram which is more gaming and side editing so I went this direction.