I'm a little worried that the 270 is too good to be true
I'm a little worried that the 270 is too good to be true
Something is weird with PCpartpicker. On your link it says $94, but if you open the link to the 270 it says $194 I think.
i'm buying the cpu and gpu from ebay, they're in the custom parts. It says $94 because i set the price
What's your current build?
Athlon 640
radeon 6750
foxcon 2ab1
garbage hp case
Might want to revisit your PSU and see what it's packing... generally prebuilt systems come with the cheapest possible lowest wattage POS that'll power it barring any upgrade
i was very surprised, it's a 600w thermaltake tr2
Pretty shitty, but as long as you don't pull that much wattage from it, you should be fine.
Everything looks ok, but still a bit sub-par in quality.
Grab the R9 270 for now, and see how everything performs. Then begin saving up for something like a FX-6300 and a better quality motherboard.
my cpu will bottleneck the shit out of the r9
pcpartpicker says 345w
It actually might not bottleneck it as much as you may think.
I had a HD 7850 with an old Core2Duo e8600. I first had some DDR2 RAM bottlenecking, and once I upgraded to 8GB, my CPU was only bottlenecking the 7850 a tiny bit.
If you want to do a full upgrade, I would prefer you get a FX-6300, a decent motherboard, and a R7 265,
R7 265 is a new card gonna have to pay full price
the 270 on ebay is $94
my cpu runs bf4 at >95%
If you're looking at BF4, then yeah, you may need an upgrade. However, your current budget isn't going to allow much of a CPU & Mobo upgrade after a GPU upgrade. The FX-4300 isn't really that much powerful than your Athlon 640. I would recommend trying to get at least a FX-6300.
got my money ready to spend but should i buy the r9? It looks like a scam, i've seen the same listing several times but people were buying
Ordered the parts
will windows work,on a new motherboard?
It does look suspicious, but it's on ebay. If the item is not as advertised or described, you can easily get your money back through eBay's money back guarantee. They often favor the buyer.
It comes from HK, so perhaps they snuck a couple out of the factory in China? I don't know. If you get it, make sure you check on it using programs like CPU-Z and GPU-Z to make sure it's actually an R9 270.
Windows 7 will, not sure about windows 8.
If you ordered the MSI 970A-G43, do not expect to upgrade to anything past a FX-6300 on it.