Guy at work asked if I could spec out a rig for his kid for about $300 USD I have speced it out so that it could be upgraded later with at GPU and more Ram I went with AM3+ so that an 8 core could be dropped in later if he wants.
I just want have you guys check my work and let me know if the Onboard GPU is going to absolutely blow out of the box. I think it should be OK for Mine craft
Mine craft will play on a potato so power really isnt in issue, however I suggest the above. Why? because its cheaper and performs better than your suggestion
And by the time some small kid who wants to play mine-craft needs an upgrade, he should just go with a new cpu/mobo/ram/gpu combo as ddr3 wont be mainstream and fx 8350's probly will not be sold as new parts.
Plus the energy savings will practically pay for the computer!