Amd a6-3670k quad core 2.7 Ghz. 60$ gtx 550 ti 75$ GIGABYTE FM1 A2 MD A55 Hudson D2 DDR3 1800 Micro ATX AMD Motherboard GA-A55M-DS2. 8 Gb of ram 160 hdd 480W psu plus case
What do you guys think? Could this max Battlefield 3? A friend recommended this build for me so let me know what you guys think and if I should go for a build like this. Thanks.
I kinda doubt that that CPU can keep up, the gfx card might i be able to I think.. I dont know much about AMD processors, but I doubt a 60 dollar chip comes near to maxing BF3..
and for the case.. you dont need one.. build it on the motherbaord case.. ;P
One thing you should consider, and I'm not joking, is building a cardboard case, I've done it before and it held for 3 months until I got my hands on an old used case. You'll want to aim for thin yet strong card as opposed to think and floppy card. The cardboard your mobo comes in is a great source of solid card. I had a fairly nice design written up for when I built one, but I don't have it anymore. It had some decent air flow to be honest.
Of the builds suggested, it really depends if your ever going to have money to upgrade the system. If you do, then I'd suggest the A10 option, since the upgrade paths are a bit more natural for it when it comes to gaming. The CPU on the A10 is about equivalent to the i3s, a bit under at stock and a bit over when OC'd in terms of gaming performance. The A10's IGP will last you perfectly fine for a while, but when you want you do want to upgrade, you can just drop a GPU into it, the CPU won't bottleneck the GPU until you're in the upper $200 GPUs.
On the other hand, if you need max performance now and you won't be upgrading this system in the future, than the Pentium build is more sensible as it will give better immediate performance. Problematically though, when you want to upgrade the GPU, you'll have deal with your old GPU that you sunk a good chunk of cash into and you won't be able to go as high with the GPU before you'll be bottlenecked by the Pentium. Thus an upgrade to a 'modern' gaming PC would be costly, having to toss two old components as opposed to having to toss none with the A10.
With all that said, neither of these builds are going to run BF3 on max at any reasonable resolution. You'll be able to handle low, maybe medium, but thats it. Bringing down the resolution in BF3 does help a fair bit though, on an older system of mine, you can't run BF3 on low at 1080P above 20FPS, but it can run it on High at 720P at a playable frame rate.
You dont need a case if your trying to max out bf3 with 300 bucks i had a build that didnt have a case for 6 months it should be fine unless you have cats.
Ok, thank all of you for posting on my topic. Now that I know that this build wont work, could you guys please suggest some build that could fit around the $300-$400 range? I am looking to play games like dayz, LoL, and bf3. I would like to be able to max at least dayz, and run everything else at high or medium. If you could please suggest a build I would greatly appreciate it. I am looking to build my pc really soon and will choose the best build and then build it and post pics. :)