$300-450 PC Build?

This is for a friend, not for me, I know that cheap pc's arent very good Pc's.

But this person is not a hardcore gamer, but does play games like minecraft and other non intensive games. Generally doesn't do any intensive things pc wise. But will most likely will want to watch videos in HD but not much further than that.

Price range is low, like 300-450 dollars which is cheap. Can someone recommend a build?

Possibly some links to?


To sum up:

Wont be doing anything intense besides streaming video and minecraft

$300-400 (On the lower end) 



IMHO just get him a 400 dollar laptop. He can connect it via HDMI to a 1080p tv and watch any streaming services and play minecraft and other stuff too.


Ill leave it up to you what OS you want

ps this is pretty much my rig minus some bells and whistles, love my APU

pss mobo has hdmi for a tv