30 fps vs 60 fps, Can you tell the difference?

Over the past few days I've noticed a few more 30 fps vs 60 fps videos than normal and I thought I would make a short little video as a sort of a blind test. It is short (~30 seconds) and small (~60mb) so it should be fairly accessible. Part of this video is in 30 fps, part of it is in 60 fps. Can you identify which is which? 

You can get the video here.

I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts on the difference. Is the difference a big deal to you? Also is there any (free) video hosting service I can use to post this so people can stream it rather than downloading it? Thanks.

there is a definite difference in my opinion. but it also depends on the game as well. some games are more noticeable than others. Like Skyrim Modded to bloody hell with High-Res Textures and all that goodness. you can DEFINITELY tell when the game is running at a certain frame-rate. another prime examples are shooters. to be honest PC Shooters i can't play them if they aren't running at like 120fps or above. it feels weird to me. but in the end of the day if you are running the game smoothly, i really don't think by a blind test anyone can tell the difference between lets say 50fps to 60fps. but if the FPS is way to high or way to low you'll be able to notice it.


I agree, it depends on the game. In the video I posted I think the difference isn't super noticeable until I get into a turn and the camera rotates quickly. The more fast movement you have, the more noticeable the difference is. That is why I find fps games unplayable at 30 fps.

HUGE difference. like the bike wheel spinning forwards, or backwards in the florescent light.

I think that is more of a strobe effect. I'm not sure if they are related or not, but a cool demonstration none the less. This is my favorite example:


im saying its a similar contrast between 30fps and 60fps


also that video is like that because  the camera is recording at either 24fps or 30 fps.

yeah I can totally tell the difference between 30 and 60 fps. In this sample video you provided it was split down the middle, with 30 fps on the left and 60 fps on the right. The 60 fps is much smoother.

Yes definitely. 60fps looks so much smoother in my eyes (literally). However I think frame latency makes as much, if not more of an impact. Somebody already used the example of Skyrim, and I think it has something to do with frame latency, Skyrim (heavily modded) at 30fps looks much laggier than CS:GO at 30fps.

Yeah, if you pay close enough attention the left side of the screen lags ever so slightly behind the right side. If you were playing the game you would really notice it.

I think this demonstration was filmed in the dark, so it would probably still appear that way in person. If it were in a well lit room, then you're right, it would look normal.

disclaimer: I didn't watch the OP's file

to my eye... (subjective opinion).

for gaming a higher frame rate is usually better as long as there is no input lag and such, e.g. first person shooters and such.

for film, having a frame rate that matches the source is usually best. 24 frames per second for most films. anything above 30 fps usually gives a video/porn/soap opera effect.

for video of gaming you probably want a higher frame rate rather than a lower one, but i don't think it is an necessary as actual gaming. mind you, i'm not much of a gamer.

I notice the difference more in FPS's. Not so much in a 3rd person game like AC4.

I don't consider games enjoyable at 30 FPS.

I can always notice a difference.  30 fps feels unplayable to me. 

Like others have said, some of it depends on the game.  In something like Civ5, I'm not really going to notice/care if it's running at 30 fps.  However, in an FPS game, I can EASILY tell the difference between 60 and 120.  30 feels absolutely atrocious, and 60 is the minimum I'll accept in faster paced games.  I'd rather have it look a bit duller than have it run slow and clunky.

depends on the game, Some just suck when they go below 60fps like Skyrim...


This shouldn't even be a question. Of course there's a visible difference. The only people saying there isn't a noticeable difference are console peasants who try to defend their poorly chosen platform to try and make themselves feel better about their inferior hardware.

it is quite noticeable the animation is much smoother, there is a video made by linus explaining the importance of it and why it is ok for movies to be shot at 24fps while games do look better at higher framerates


Of course there is a difference.  For example, in sleeping dogs if I turn on FXAA, I get about 30-40 ish FPs. If it's off I can hit 60 easy.  However, the game looks stunning so I don't mind it a bit.  Skyrim, I use an intense ENB so I average about 30 but I don't mind it because again the game looks stunning.  However those games are more layed back.  If i'm playing a competitive multiplayer game, I must have 60FPS.