3-node 65w Proxmox Thunderbolt Network Cluser

I’m using NUCs but this method has worked reliably for me. Thunderbolt Networking Setup · GitHub

Using thunderbolt names in /etc/network/interfaces doesn’t seem to be reliable from my understanding, hence the mapping en05/en06 with Systemd.

Hey @allen.000 ,

I’m stuck at the same point. Did you end up creating a cluster using the ethernet nic or the thunderbolt nics with failover?


Homelaber(long time lurker first time poster) Helping a Video Editor
Long Story Short: I am thinking about using your wonderful research to build a NAS for a video editing client. Thinking about using thunderbolt connection from main editing PC to NAS.

Clients Use Case: Video Editor, mainly one user with occasional second editor, Mac based editor, needs about 100TB of usable space, requires desktop form factor. Would like the NAS to last the next 4 years without need of major upgrade minus replacing hard drives as they die.

My Solution: A ZFS based server running trunas scale or ubuntu + cockpit. Specs have landed on a intel 12th gen based system. I already planned for a Z6/790 motherboard for m.2 connectivity.

Question Pertaining to the Topic: Is it worth/possible to get reliable connectivity from a M2/3 based mac to the NAS without having to restart the NAS? Will I have to run the modprobe thunderbolt-net command on the NAS every time the client reestablishes the thunderbolt connection? If so is this reliable to scrip into an application the client can run to establish thunderbolt connection then mount the share over said connection? Seeing if you or the community has any insight before I go shopping just to do testing. If this turns out to be reliable it can be useful for many homelabers to get a fast connection over 10gb to their NAS without getting into 10g networking ,like I did, when my homelab consisted of just one server and a main desktop.

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Anyone try this with the ms-01’s?


Sorry if this should be it’s own topic but I’m having trouble getting the network management configuration in proxmox to work at all, I’ve tried reinstalling proxmox about 5 times, I’m assuming at this point that the issue is I need to customize the IP and gateway but I unfortunately don’t know what I should set it to for things to be successful.

@Justin I was looking to do the same thing (Linux based NAS with TB4, with an Apple Silicon client and a Linux client - both likely using iSCSI).

Haven’t yet decided whether to use Ubuntu LTS, Proxmox or TrueNAS SCALE as the NAS software, and just got the hardware together, so starting to experiment… will make a topic to track progress if/when I have something worthwhile to share.

Have you made any progress?

So I was unable to get this to work. What hardware is supported? The devices I tested have the USB symbol with SS only. I do not mind slower speeds but when I tried to set it up I just got nothing.

I have another post here: https://forum.level1techs.com/t/so-what-is-the-status-of-thunderbolt-networking-under-linux-should-i-use-it

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USB 3 SS (SuperSpeed) is NOT thunderbolt 3. Only Thunderbolt 3/4 and sometimes USB4 will work with this type of networking configuration. Best you could do with USB 3 is 2.5gbe adapters.

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I also figured out it was cable as it was only a USB2