What do you guys think of this ? I personally find it hard to believe that a 290 can beat the titan (or the 290x) in all those benchmarks, synthetic or not. This article was linked by AMD on facebook, is it just marketing bullshit because the 780ti is out and destroys everything so suddenly their 'titan killer' (a.k.a 290x) has become the 780ti killer and the 290 had to be stepped up a league ?
What especialy look strange to me, if i look at Linus benchmarks that the R9-290 non X is beating the R9-290X in alot of cases.. or they just trade blows. so it seems that the R9-290 non reference is gonne be a great bang for buck card in general.
No, I've seen anandtech(and some other but I don't spell their names well) that show about the same thing. I think the 290x is being throttled because it gets too dangom hot or maybe the 290 just somehow got to be a muthfukin beast.
Still I wouldn't be surprised when the top two series of amd or nvida beats the titan I mean its how old now? The 780ti beats it so at least one amd card should too.
Linustech overclock all their cards and they said in their review their 290x is not a great overclocker and their 290 is. Random chance.
Did they just use the stock coolers or?
Yes they used the stock coolers they only had reference designs when the originally tested each one.
People bought the Titan. And y'all need to learn not to hurt their feelz.
Well it is certainly true that some people seem like they don't believe it. I think AMD has come up with a real winner insofar as the R9 290 is concerned, especially if Mantle works well. I think alot of people are very missleading saying stuff like the GTX780TI king of the hill!
The only one of these 3 most graphically intensive games that has any sort of meaningful margin is BF4 and that is mainly at 1920x1080 mostly disappearing at 2560x1440, this could be to do with driver optimization (either on Nvidia or AMDs side). But the difference when it exists is so minimal that it isn't worth paying about twice as much for, something that I haven't seen pointed out.
Where is the link, are these overclocked?
Wow, just wow... The 290 is withing 2 frames of the 290x and never less than 9 away from the 780ti, and thats only in bf4 the rest its 3 or 4 for such a little price when compared to the rest. AMD has truly earned a sale once I get the money to buy a 290.
[only looked at 1080 because my res]
All stock I believe, however they have boost clocks right? Link:HERE
Also toms hardware seems somewhat biased, they sort of make a case that the 290x performs worse than the 290 and that the 290x press cards were designed to misslead people, yet it makes no sense for a more expensive card, with more cores and a faster clockrate to run slower. Then they made an article talking about how performance is so inconssistent, if they did there job properly and tried out a few retail cards they would have found this only affects some cards. They also included this anyway (what it most likely is, is that they got one of the cards that suffered from throtteling due to driver issues).
Its also like half the price of a 780ti, basically it is a no brainier.
None of this matters until the coolers are out and some more non-beta drivers...
Yep, I didn't think it possible but they've done it again. Seriously these last two generations, with the 290 and 7950, amd has just(in my honest non amd fanboy opinion if anything I am/was an nvida fanboy) owned at least this part of the market where I can afford stuff. I got my 7950 about 8 months after it came out because of a great sale and I needed a new gpu, if all goes well and I get an internship I'll be getting a 290 and a 1440p monitor about 8 months after the 290 came out. Heck even for 4k the 290 does an acceptable job. I like physx but once again amd has made it so I cannot justify the purchase of an nvida card. I know this sounds geeky but man I am in awe right now.
Yeah you can basically get a R9 290 and a cheap Korean 2K display for less than a 780TI and have basically the same frame rates at clock speeds, or spend a bit more and get two, Nvidias pricing really has gotten absurd.
Which is why I cannot justify an nvidia card anymore. Heck the 7950 could go toe to toe and sometimes beat a 680 with overclocking maybe this will be the same way and for the price of a 780ti you can have a better card and a 1440p monitor. I can dream anyway, man I love the gpu market right now.
I was expecting to see the 290x beat the 780ti at least in AMD optimized games like BF4.
IDK what happend in the benchmark Linus did, it may be throttling or just the silicon lottery having it's say but the 290x has 10% more stream processors and a 53 mhz higher stock speed so it should be better than the 290.
I guess you guys are right, the 290 non-x seems like a 7950 (price-performance champion) in the very high-end league and if you are lucky you can even get one that outperforms a 290x while both overclocked just like what happend at Linus.
He was talking about the 290x not the 290.