So i want to just say before i begin this is going to be a way more complicated question then the title...
Now i am upgrading, These are my options:
Sapphire Radeon VAPOR-X R9 280X 329.99$
Gigabyte GTX 770 4GB 449.99$
Now the reason i have selected these is they are the few GPU's that match my semi-rare color scheme these days:
Blue White Black (Build)
And now what i am looking for is something i can add another card of, in the future.
Now when considering these is the technology that is contained within them (Mantle, G-Sync etc.)
and not to forget i want the best frames i can for 3 1080p monitors [5670x1080]
Now i personally have no preference between the two even though i like to render videos and game creation.
Usage Situation:
Video editing
Game creation with UDK and Unity
2560x1440p Gaming
Now should i take the chance of Mantle being incredible and popular among devs or should i go with the CUDA giant and all the extra debt?
GeForce GTX 770
And last of all we all want to see the banana fight just do it already!