2500$ for just the pc parts. i just cant figure out what would be the best future proof gaming rig. and ill just be gaming on it. So its hard to figure out. please help.
2500$ for just the pc parts. i just cant figure out what would be the best future proof gaming rig. and ill just be gaming on it. So its hard to figure out. please help.
A $2500 gaming rig? You sure about that? Anything over $1500 is overkill for just gaming. You want a mITX rig? At that price point, you can get identical performance to a standard ATX build.
Ya i want to be able to kill any game that comes my way.
At this budget range a computer would be overkill for a standard 1920x1080 gaming setup for this you should
A- 2560x1440/1600 monitor
B- 5760x1080 triple monitor
C-1920x1080 120hz/3D monitor
Also I know the storage is complete overkill but why the heck not http://pcpartpicker.com/p/R8zZ ignore the warning
Went with a sandy bridge, as they OC better. Also went mITX, as there is no reason not to at this budget.
okay. so what would be a resonable rig then for gaming then that could beast everything?
You know that an CPU ivy bridge has a 10% performance per clock boost over sandy bridge which means a i5-3570k @4.4ghz is the same performance to a 4.8ghz sandy bridge
This play any game on Max settings for 1920x1080p http://pcpartpicker.com/p/R8KN the added fan would go on the cpu cooler. With the savings you could get a nice keyboard, mouse, monitor, sound devices if you don't have any already
what are the chances that the h100i will leak. not sure why but that has always scared me.
Damn near zero, Here is what I've came up with, not this is more of an all around build rather than a pure gaming build but tell me what you think http://pcpartpicker.com/p/R8Xk
That doesn't really happen to much. The first few h100i's were rushed out and had leaking issue but corsair has a pretty good quality control. Unless though you are overclocking at high voltages 1.3+ an air cooler will perform similar
not bad.
looking at titain though or would that be overkill?
Yes, unless you are running multiple monitors.
okay sweet thank you.
okay then 670 4gb or 680 4gb
Neither, get a sapphire 7970.
My $1500 build will do a great job at playing games i'm using a slightly slower card(gtx 670) and an i5 never gone below 30 fps in games