$240 Entry Level Build

Through all of my frougleness and my friends constantly switching from Console to PC they keep asking me for something that they can afford for selling said console + a controller or two with games. So here is one of the requested builds I sent to a friend, Personally I'm not building this and if you want to yourself that's awesome :D Personally I call this the console killer. 

(Keep in mind you can add the parts at the end to upgrade)

Power supply (As always high quality or DEATH): $37   http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139026

Motherboard + APU Combo(CPU+GPU): $150 ($10 savings when combo'd): http://www.newegg.com/Product/ComboDealDetails.aspx?ItemList=Combo.1102158

RAM (8gb and nice ram at that): $25 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231314

Case $30: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811147123

So, IF you don't have a harddrive the price is way off. Since the prices haven't come down since 2010, You're going to have to hand over another $60 easily. $300, still very do-able considering selling a console the games for it and controllers is easily more than $300 (depending if you get scammed or not), Hard drives are easy to find but in sake of saving the whining you could pickup per-say this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136771

and if you want to play even nicer games you could throw on a 6670 or 6570 for like $60-$80.

and if you don't have a TV/Monitor, I don't know how you have a computer, or are even playing a console. 


That's just a quick superficial build I slapped together for my friend. I hope that any of you could have found interest or maybe it helped one of you guys decide on a build. 

Either way, hope you guys have a nice day/night and If you have questions or comments I would love to reply :D 



nice nice nice, I'm actually going to build an entry rig with the APU too. This really helps a lot.

Glad to help. Any questions, comments, concerns? 

reminds me of the $275 build i put together

Nice! Well this is just a build one of my "ex-console" friends requested. He decided that horrid graphics were enough. 

Try finding some ram running at 1866, I got some for chep the other day because of neweggs black friday deal that they do for along time every year.

I was as well but it actually sold out right before I checked out. I was very.... "upset".

I'm not so sure an APU is going to deliver particularly good graphics. Don't get me wrong, they're not bad, but if good graphics are what they want they're going to have to spend a bit more.