The EK Waterblocks story by Gamers Nexus.
Not necessarly my favorite stories from them.
I much prefer positive coverage, but they did a great work on the piece.
nailed my number 1
(don’t forget the Intel cards offering free partitioning)
and 2
Supermicro being delisted.
The ongoing TP-Link saga. Working with NIST compliance, gotta remember TP-Link is/was NDAA compliant so this is a HUGE deal. We just got the new 800-171r3 standard for the first time in a decade and they addressed supply chain attacks for those doin .gov work, but this story may have blown that up.
the Honey scandal and how L1T doesn’t push that crap, you’re typically sponsored by companies offering gear we actually use in the enterprise.
Would be great to hear more of your thoughts on the gpus sold by Nvidia to Microsoft, Tesla etc. What your thoughts on any new benefits to consumers, or is all this investment for more copilot and better self driving?