I know PC & PS4 plays COD too, but seriously why does it seem like more xbox one players get 'swatted'? Makes me feel like 'white' people are the best snitchers ever.
I know PC & PS4 plays COD too, but seriously why does it seem like more xbox one players get 'swatted'? Makes me feel like 'white' people are the best snitchers ever.
More butt-hurt gamers? This is getting out of hand IMO.
A 15-year old swatter got 25 to life for pulling a "joke" like that, whereby he called in a hostage situation long distance on a guy that was dominating him in BF3... so the cops stormed in, and shot the swatted player's dad on sight... of course, in order to prevent damage to people, in those circumstances you have to lock up the 15 year old swatter for 25 to life, and give the cops more flak jackets and assault rifles...
It's just sad what is happening in the US in the shade of the entertainment culture...
Zoltan I think that was the hoax story, cuz it's from that fake news site. National Report or w/e. I just learned of it by searching and it's a fake news.
I hope this is real man...
Yeah could be, I just read it somewhere but don't know if it was fake or not, in which case it's worse, fake police reports, fake everything, sad... ties in with the Uber-Gestapo thingy, you know.
It's just crazy:
1. make a new digital printing press successor;
2. let everyone dream of becoming a content creator, and sell that idea with advertising;
3. destroy all mechanisms for earning income out of content production except advertising;
4. open the content floodgates so much that the content doesn't matter anymore, only the advertising;
5. do the same to journalists;
6. make everything interactiuve, so that the people have to do stuff, like give their data, post comments, mob someone, bully the crap out of others, threaten others, call the police on others, etc... so that everyone gets really insensitive to stuff that is done to himself in real life, as he's doing it to all the others on the net;
7. the ideal world: people pay to watch advertising, buy ever newer and more powerful devices to watch advertising, go to school to watch advertising better, buy software to watch advertising, would kill to watch advertising, spend their whole income on consuming advertising, etc... well, the ideal world for some people...
I remember 4chan got the leader of 420chan swatted and he was in Australia
Ya, know? That sounds familiar. Mostly, tho. I am more pissed about how much of my time is wasted by adverts.