$200 Headphones for Gaming

Sweet! Thanks for letting me know. Definitely an option.

Those look really cool, thanks!

big question, and everyone has their favs, I suggest buying used, sicne you can get a $400~ headset for $200 easily, I got my HE-400 for $220 CAD which is $180 ~ uS or something, and they have amazing bass and sound stage.

theirs also the AKG's they all sound almost the same (700s that is) so don't fret over 702s, Q701 7XX etc

I would check you local classified for deals, and report back, then check ebay.

If you have not bought anything yet I would suggest really considering the durability and comfort of the headphones you purchase.

While I do not own DT880s I own DT770 Pro 80 ohms. They have lasted five years so far of everyday use. In my personal experience they never get too hot, never get uncomfortable (10+ hours of use), sound great, and are very durable. They have sustained several foot drops onto hardwood floors, survived office chair wheels over the cable, and are rock solid. If you take care of them they will last many years (applies to anything worth buying imo).

I would check out the DT770 Pro 80ohms

I paid $220 for these (including a warranty) and still believe it was worth it. They are $161.14 (insanely cheap) right now. I have used my 770s for gaming on PC and 360 (For a while I used the turtle beach DSS pro logic iix thing that gives virtual surround and that worked amazing, but stopped since it decreased audio quality). I have never had a single issue with figuring out what direction a shot or step nearby came from in an FPS game so far. I believe beyerdynamic puts out some the best headphones in the $150-250 range with their superior balance of price/quality/durability that I don't think their competitors match. Please note though that I am biased towards them naturally and I encourage researching more, but please do not overlook the fact that they are around $60 less than what they sold for several years ago.

DT770 Pro 80ohm have good bass

Also check out the other Beyerdynamics before you pull the trigger on whatever set of cans you decide on.

One last thing: Especially with Audio, please, please try not to use one person's advice if it is a subjective matter. Everyone has slightly or very different ideas of what "good" or the "best" headphones are, this is because with audio, people judge something by comparing it to the "best" thing they have ever used. I feel as though this is why uninformed people used to actually believe beats by dre were good, since they were the best set of cans those people had ever used. This bias applies to AKG's, Sennheisers, Hifi, Audio-Technica, Beyerdynamic, and anything else.

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I have a spare set of AHT-M50's - cover the postage and they are yours

@Go_Fish I would say do this if you can.

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