$200 Headphones for Gaming

Biostar 1997 mobo can confirm

umm what?

Instead of a $100 DAC
That's got a Texas instruments DAC in it
For like $3
And it's pretty good

Was probably in a beige plastic case.
With little spiders running around inside having the times of their lives...
...eating a rat that came in and died by chewing on something it shouldn't have been chewing on.

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useless? when was that ever needed holy crap what a scam

anyway, before we get more off topic

anyone else have more HEADPHONE suggestions?

Brainwavz HM5/HM9

Fostex T50rp MkIII needs an amp tho

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I ask you, if you didn't go and learn all this stuff beforehand, would you be able to tell the difference?
Why not save the money and be blissfully naive?
You're not loosing out on anything by not being an audio nerd if the answer to the first question was no.

I posted this link too... clearly you didn't read.

lul, no. I'm not stupid.

OMG, you are seriously naive. How do you think any of this stuff works? Magic?

the problem with dacs is that they take digital and convert it to analog. Anything that goes from digital to analog will be off no matter how good you model is its an estimation. also is there really a difference between digital sound and analog sound

do you even know how the math works? its all an estimate. also that link goes where?

theory and numbers never translate 100% to IRL

like @AngryNun said, its an estimate

lul, what? YES, one is positional amplitude data, the other is an electrical signal.

Yes... actually I do. What do you mean estimate? That's such a weird thing to say. It's like saying paintings are stupid because they are only an estimate of real-life.

Yes... numbers really do translate to real life. Did you even make it through highschool? Did you learn to count balls and divide a pie? All of our modern age of technology is built upon numbers, advanced math, and engineering.

and the difference sound wise between digital and analog is what exactly?

And in order to turn digital to analog you need a model. A model is an estimation not the real thing.

What are you talking about? Dare I ask what your education background is so I know what level to talk to you on?

questioning someones intelligence is going down a dark path, stop, now

do a truly blind test for yourself and tell me if you hear ANY LEGITIMATE difference

Not intelligence. Only education background.
I'm wondering if I can engage in a discussion on DPS and digital sampling. (which would be very difficult without a background in EE or CPE)

They want to know what digital audio is and am attempting to explain but I need to know where to start.

indeed it would be

that is above my head