$200 cheap ass build for a friend?

Long story short my friend wants to build a computer so she can put it on her resume.  She asked me for help picking parts for as close as $200 as possible.  I don't know what to do with that little budget, help? Maybe an apu?

Lol, just for a resume?  I guess I should try putting that on my college apps.


Not gonna get you anywhere but should work lol.

^Considering that's $200 before the case, I'd consider this build, slap some Linux on this, and it will actually be a surpringsly quick machine. Also get the joy (and challenge) of working with a slim microATX case. :D


You can put that on a resume? 

Everything in this build is great. I understand she is trying to keep it lower than $200 otherwise I would comment on getting 2 sticks of RAM for dual channel, but that's not the point here. =P Linux is the way to go for something like this, I would recommend Arch or Monjaro as they are extremely user friendly as I know from personal experience that Linux is very confusing the first time you use it.

I think this is a pretty decent build for the money considering its just to put on a resume. Heres the link : http://pcpartpicker.com/p/2nORK. Hoped this help and good luck to your friend. :)




Try that out.

It wouldn't work - The FM platform is assumed to have an APU, and therefore does NOT have any integrated graphics in the chipset. The Athlon has its iGPU disabled (or may have one at all by design, idk for sure). With that combination of parts, a dedicated GPU is *required* to run, and any sort of GPU would blow the budget. The best bet it getting an A4 APU, but given the lackluster drivers on Linux from AMD ends, I tend to shy away from them in favor of Intel due to inexpensive platform on the low end and amazing FOSS drivers.

Yeah, I was considering RAM as well, but I found that stick by sorting on lowest price/GB on kits =< 4GB. I would recommend Linux Mint; Arch, as rewarding as it is learn, is a pain in the ass to initially set up, especially if the user isn't comfortable, much less just familiar, with terminal commands. I've had my fair share of trial and error, and still have issues getting it set up, granted I don't have a spare system to dedicate entirely to learning Arch. Mint is much easier to set up, has a traditional desktop lay out, and no messing with "restricted extras" or setting up other everyday, but proprietary packages.