20.04: guest OS not detecting "successfully" passed-thru card

Greetings. So after retrying to get pci passthrough working, I was half successful. I got it to finally show up in device manager after following the guide at https://mathiashueber.com/pci-passth…rtual-machine/

Unfortunately, none of the programs seem to think that the AMD 7570 is actually there. I’ve attached a screenshot.

Have I forgotten to do anything?

You appear to be viewing the VM through virt manager/virt viewer, which uses the emulated graphics chip, not the passed through 7570.

You will probably want to use looking glass: https://looking-glass.io/

For hardware accelerated VMs looking glass is indeed the way to go. But before installing that I would make sure it works. Detatch Spice and the video device and attach a monitor to the graphics card. Start the VM and check that you get proper video output on the guest and if you can install the necessary drivers.

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