Ok, here's the scenario. My brother is finishing his 4 years in the Navy, getting out in July. He was stationed at Camp Lemonierre South Africa. Anyways, I wanna surprise him with his first gaming rig. I have a build in mind already, and have ordered some parts. What I want to know is what are 2 video cards that I can SLI/Crossfire that are about equal to 290x in performance/price? I don't mind if AMD or Nvidia, just looking to get about 290x cost/performance, but not with just 1 290x. I wanna impress him with this build and I think 2 graphics card with a nice window and show inside would really set it off. Can you guys give me an idea what 2 cards I can buy that are equal? 2 270x? maybe, he will be gaming at 1080p while more than 2gb would be nice, i think he could live with 2.