2 Questions

As I am finally about to build my own PC,
I have begun to have a bit of doubts, questions and concerns.
Most of which are due to my budget lol.
My first question is;
Is spending $100 more for a 970 really worth it over a 960 when I only
intend to play games in 1080p at high to ultra settings?
I already have my own personal opinion on this formed by mass amounts of research, however I would really like to see the opinions of others and their points.

My second question;
Should I get one 250/256 GB SSD for my 2 OSes (Windows & Linux),
or perhaps 2 120/128 GB SSDs ?
The latter won't actually help my budget as 120/128 GB SSDs are typically $20 to $30 less than 250/256 GB SSDs. However, if getting 2 smaller SSDs would be better, then so be it.

Sorry for the long post, and thanks in advanced to any who reply!

Well the 970 should max every game at 1080p. The 960 won't. Especially if you start using filters and AA. It should max some but not all. IMO it really isn't worth it.

TBH though I wouldn't buy a 970 at all. An R9 285 is cheaper than a 960 and preforms better at 1080p, especially with filters and AA, and much much better at 1440p if you decide to move up to a higher resolution. Also be sure to look at the 280X which is way faster than the 960 and the R9 290 which will be about the same as a 970 at 1080p but kill it at 1440p especially with AA turned on and is a little cheaper. That is all for you to decide. For you, I'd recommend the R9 285.

Also, if you're planning on running Windows and Linux get separate 120GB SSDs. It is way easier than managing two OSs on one SSD. Be sure to get a 1TB HDD for games and other stuff too.

Thanks for your reply man. I was definitely thinking the same about having the 2 OSes on 2 different SSDs. You give very valid points about the graphics cards there, but one of the main reasons why Im more inclined to go with Nvidia is due to the fact that they're cards don't get as loud nor as hot. Will definitely have to look into that price difference though, Im abit overbudget as is lol

nVidia don't get loud or hot.... Okay no. Lesson time.

That is a common misconception. Just being an AMD card doesn't make them loud or hot. The coolers on them make them loud or hot. A reference 980 will be louder and hotter than a VaporX R9 290X. A reference 290X will be louder and hotter than a DCUII 980. Yes some of the AMD cards, higher end ones, put out more heat. That being said as long as the heat is well managed, which it is with a non reference cooler, than it really isn't a problem. Plus, the heat difference and power draw isn't that different anyway depending on what GPUs you're comparing.

The cheapest R9 285 is the Gigabyte WINDFORCE R9 285. it runs cool and quiet. It has 2GB of VRAM connected via a non nerfed 256-bit bus. It costs $160.

The cheapest 960 on the other hand is the MSI Geforce 960 reference. It costs $182. It had 2Gb of VRAM as well but has a narrow 128bit bus which hurts it with high res textures, filtering and AA and at higher resolutions. it also has a basic cooler on it meaning it has the potential to be warmer and louder. The cheapest 960 with a nice cooler is $190.

So you are paying $30 more for a GPU that is slower and really won't be that much quieter or cooler. Plus, with all the shady stuff nVidia has been pulling lately IDK if I'd buy from them...

Your call though and it depends on what you want personally.

You Sir, make very valid points ! Although I didn't say that Nvidia cards dont get loud or hot, I just said that they don't get as loud or hot . And that is a bit of wide spectrum as well, saying all Nvidia cards in general, so it is indeed my fault on that part.
Thank you, however, for you comment!

And to further the options, if you are saving for a 970 then you are also in the market for a 290 (non x) and a good one like the sapphire Tri-X. I have one of these. And it is easily the best graphics card I have ever had.

Quiet not overly hot and now that I have a custom fan curve set cool and still quiet enough. Also if you have headphones for gaming, noise becomes even less of an issue.