Looking to do a monitor upgrade. Been looking around. Figured out I want a second 21:9 panel but bigger. Currently I have a 21:9 and a 16:9 (actually have 2 only use 1). Was looking to upgrade not only size but resolution. 4K monitors are too damned expensive. 1440p however are a bit more affordable. Monitor will be used with 3 separate machines. Primarily a MacBook Pro and with a Gaming PC, but also possibly my server. I watch a lot of content on my computer, anything from 480 to 1080p. Most of it is 720p and 1080p content. How bad is it going to look? I read a post somewhere that low res content looks like dog crap on 1440p screens, they even implied it looks worse than on 4K.
Part of the monitor upgrade would be giving to two 16:9 monitors to my niece and nephew for them to use with their Chromebooks. Any one know of some durable HDMI cords that can handle being unplugged and plugged in a bunch of times?
Much like you might have heard that 1080p is 1:4 pixel perfect scaling on 4k (2160p), 720p will be 1:4 on 1440p so that should look okay… Should.
All other resolutions will be some odd scaling and might look a little blurry but that is down to the viewer. Some people really don’t like it, some font even notice it.
If stuff like 360p, 480p and 720p on a 1080p monitor don’t bother you then you should be fine.
Edit: I edited your title to get more specific attention.
Eh blu-ray quality 1080p looks fine on my 32" 1440p screens.
I would assume they are all similar, if you are worried about the port on the chromebook, you could get a short HDMI male to female and leave that stubby boy plugged in all the time to reduce wear on the laptops port.
I mean the connector is only so strong, if they are snapping off you are applying way to much force. I am not aware of any, would maybe do the male to female and velcro the other end to the lid (tried to look for magsafe hdmi or something)
I think it was because they were cheap harbor freight cables. But I have had a few fail like that. When I worked in retail, we went thru them like water. We had to add and remove display TVs all the time. Also keep in mind these will be used by kids.
The connections look the same both ends so if you can get two of the HDMI ends you should be fine, I just found their site hard to follow as to what you actually get.
One final question. How much do you think a decent 34" 1440 21:9 monitor should cost? Will be doing some gaming on it, but mostly using it with my MacBook Pro surfing the web and watching stuff. Ive started looking at a few models.