2 monitors 1 display

I have an SLI setup and I thought that if I just hooked up my TV to the second card that it would automatically just display what is on my monitor, right? Never have I been so wrong. I have poured(I think that's how it's written) over nvidia control panel and still haven't found a way to force the output devices to display the same thing. Help please? 

dude seriously??

sli has nothing to do with running two screens

you can run 6 screens off one card

plug both screens into the one graphics card at the top

right click on your desktop

click screen resolution

clcik duplicate to show it on both screens or click extend to extend your desktop over both screens

this is found as a drop down called multiple displays

you wont do it via the nvidia control panel :S

hope that helps -wayno


Well that sounds perfectly reasonable but unfortunately there is only 1 hdmi port on each card. Is there any way I can do that while keeping the cable plugged in to the other card? I don't have an adapter for the old port (whatever it's called).


Yes, I'm well aware SLI has nothing to do with 2 monitor setups. I was just giving you as much info as I thought was relevant. Plus I have to let you know that each  card has 1 hdmi port. Sorry for not being clear on that.

You can use a dvi-d port and cable to plug you other screen in without an adapter, or get a adapter, either works, just use whatever ports your card has, any of the above is less than $10. However avoid DVI-D to VGA adapters, these have to be active (a microchip controlling switching, requires power cable) to work, although passive units can be bought these are for another purpose and won't allow you to plug in monitors.

Also as wayro said, you cannot plug into the non-primary graphics card and expect it to work unless your using a select few special cards, this goes for the plugs on the mobo as well.

Thank you. You were helpful.