I have 2 laptops both without harddrives yet I dont really want to buy hardrives for them as they arent worth it.
One laptops keyboard and screen is broken and the other is fine minus a few keys broken.
Got any ideas with what I could do with them?
I have 2 laptops both without harddrives yet I dont really want to buy hardrives for them as they arent worth it.
One laptops keyboard and screen is broken and the other is fine minus a few keys broken.
Got any ideas with what I could do with them?
turn one of them into a home server for your media?
Nah I thought about that but I never really move away from my desktop anyway :P
Install porteus(or the older version slax) on 2 usb sticks you have laying and tadaa you have 2 extra browsing machines...
Pfsense boxes?
use them as servers with linux booting off a USB stick. I use a laptop without hdd for a teamspeak server my friends and i use