2 graphics cards on Ubuntu

Hi, I’m new to Linux and I am wundering if this is possible, I was doing this in Windows.

I have an rx5700xt and an rx480 I was wondering if is possible to have both graphics cards in a Linux computer so I can do folding@home.

If it is possible could someone direct me on how I would go about doing it, I tryed to boot with both gpu’s installed and I got a message saying something about kurnal panic turned off the computer and pulled out the rx480 out and it now works fin

Thank you for any help

Welcome to the forums.

What troubleshooting steps have you tried so far, other than removing the card? Please provide more details about what you’re running and what you want to accomplish.

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All I have tried was removing the cardas before I saw it the reply I asumed I would need to change to make it work. After seeing your message I plugged the card to try again in as it sounds like it should just work, it is show messages that start with " [ ###. ######]" then text but I am unable to read this text as it is moving incredibly fast.

In my computer I have a ryzen 5 2600, msi b450 gaming pro carbon ac, 16GB of ram

I want to used both my rx480 and rx5700xt for folding@home.

this is a picture I took of what it is doing