2 different brands of ram together? Will this work?

Okay I currently have 4 gb of this ram http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820148325

and I got ahold of 8 gb of this ram brand new in the box for 20 bucks. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231428

All the ram is ddr3 1600 mhz only difference is voltage and cas latency... The crucial ballistix is 8-8-8-24 and the ripjaw x is 9-9-9-24 and then the voltage on the crucial ballistix is 1.65 V and the voltage on the ripjaw x is 1.5... I know the voltage will be fine at 1.5 for the crucial because I am running it at that now... But will the different latency timings be ok together? I don't care if it down clocks to the 8-8-8-24 timing. I just wanna know if this will be ok to do because it would be nice to have 12 gb of ram.

No you need to have the timings, voltage and the frequency running at same numbers together or you will face problems.

What if I just manually clock everything the same?

You can do that but once you reset the CMOS everything will have to be redone again.


I'm not suggesting you should buy another kit with the same specs, if your tweaking is done right, that'll do.

Anyone else?

Hell, you could always just just the 8GB RAM kit. You wouldn't really need 12GB of RAM unless you are doing some heavy lifting..