$2,200 Gaming build

Hi guys im going to build my first computer, i have a budget of around 2200 could u guys give me some suggestions on parts?

Does this include monitor, OS, and other peripherals? What is the intended resolution?

it would be nice if it included one monitor, no peripherals, the monitor should be ips, so i can eventually add 2 monitors



Dual 7950s is completely overkill for a single 1080p 60hZs monitor. If you remove the second 7950, or the monitor, you could get a 3930k instead. However, that wouldn't help too much in the gaming department.

I have the same budget and built a build for the shield, 

3820 is overkill imo

Id get 8350 and 7950 xfire with dual sapphire flex since they oc like mad, and a h110 i with noctua fans

Also i recommend the viewsonic vx2730s it is an ah ips panel pre calibrated with 100%srgb and is $160 or less right now

Lastly i recommend an nzxt tempest 410 it has 280mm rad support and is a great deal


7950 crossifre is not overkill for 1080p nowdays crysis.3 and metro, even bf3 will use and with a h110i the 8350 can get to 5ghz

Get a modualar 900-1000 watt psu, the one he suggested is overpriced imo

is there anyway i could get a phantom 820, an ips panel, a 3930k and a 680 for under $2200?

The 8350 is terrible with multi-GPU performance; you will be crippling the second 7950 with AM3+. The X79 platform is immensely more powerful than the AM3+ platform, supporting up to 64GB of memory, and 40 PCIe lanes. AM3+ is terrible for multi-GPU, and if OP is going to be editing, then 64GB of memory is useful. There is no AM3+ system that can compare to what I threw together.

oh and i only need a 120 gb ssd

Yes, but don't get a 680; overpriced. Dual 7950s will destroy a 680.

Then geT an adata xpg910 128gn amazing and a 5year waranty

8350 at 5ghz beats 8320 look http://techreport.com/review/23750/amd-fx-8350-processor-reviewed/13


Non oc 8350 is rxtremely close and oc is much faster

Brennanriddel this isnt toms hardware, 8350 is great for crossfire too

Oh and the sabertooth gen3 has pci3.0 crossfire and sli support



You could drop it to $2,200 by removing some of the fans :)


The 7970 is better than the 680.

The other option is 8350 gtx 690

I wouldnt recommend sli or crossfire for a first build

Why the hell not? It is as easy as hooking up a SLI or CF bridge, and having a big enough PSU. How much experience do you have with building? How many rigs have you made that give you this experience?