I have another post asking for adivce, this time regarding alternative cooling for a 1u rack server with no less than 6 double sided fans (2 fans in one) Its making a heck of a lot of noice, they are afther all spinning about 10k rpm so jeah they are loud. I tried getto cooloing them, removing the fans and just placing 120mm fans on top of the passive cpu coolers. How ever I did not feel comftrabole since the Vram on the motherboard got super hot super quick. (Or at least I think it is the vram.
So my question is as follows....
Are there any solutions to this? This is a server that has been used in production and was custom made by the prior company. So its no off the shelf HP or dell.
Was the system ram that was getting hot. server ram runs VERY hot.
And sadly, no. With server hardware, it needs server-spec cooling, unless you want to liquid cool the lot, which would be super expensive and ridiculous to set up.
Servers are designed to run in climate controlled environments with cold air coming in and hot air going out. Additionally, they use passive cooling (just heatsinks) so the internal fans have to run at high RPM just to offer adequate cooling.
You can set fan speed in some server BIOS. You can also look at replacing the fans with lower RPM or add 12v to 5v step-down converters (they should use standard 3/4pin PWM).
basically easiest thing could do is just put it in a different case if the motherboard is a standard you can get a case for, probably new heatsync(s) and drop it in a 4u or something with 120mm fans but thats money/effort lol
I have an R610, which is at the quiet end of the 1U server spectrum, and while it is far, far quieter at idle than say, a PowerEdge 2950, it's still a jet engine. Not a whole lot you can do about it, I'm afraid. Tiny fans whirring at 3000rpm are universally loud.
If it's just sitting on a table and not in a rack. Frankenstein it up. Replace CPU coolers with like coolmaster 212's. You might have to remove the motherboard from the case or cut the bottom to allow the brackets.