1st Build - 2nd Try. Thoughts?

Old Build: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/christof.meier/saved/2Ci5

NEW BUILD: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1RiH9

Whaddya think?

You will probably never need an 850watt PSU with that build, I might recommend a Corsair HX750 to save $15 but it looks really nice. The first build was very weak but you did really well in the second getting the best bang for your buck. 

Thanks! I chose an 850watt PSU to accomodate potential crossfire setups in the future, and also because I read some horror stories about peoples' crappy PSUs.  Considering that, do you still think 850watts is still excessive?

I am using a Corsair HX 750 and am running 32gb of ram, i5 3570k overclocked, closed loop water cooling, 2 ssd's, 2 hdd's, 12 fans, disc drive, leds and 2 gtx 780's in sli. unless you plan on more than that the HX750 will do the job.