£1600 to £1800 PC build, need help

I want to build a new PC and Im stuck on what parts too buy, I have around £1600 to £1800 to spend, so any help would be appreciated:D. I dont need any peripherals as i already have everything i need and i also dont need an operating system.  

what will be this system used for?

Here is IMO the best build for gaming for 1600£


If you are gaming just on 1080p, then this is a massive overkill, and will max out everything on 1440p too.

There are a lot of things where you could save money, but this is just my 2 cents for the budget

I agree with your thoughts on budget. I'd agree with the Titan if the 6 GB of VRAM or the compute power is needed, but I'd personally I'd rather go with a 780 Ti. To be honest it really just depends on what OP is using this rig for.

Also, I 100% agree with the 4930k. I see no reason not to go for it with this large of a budget.

Thanks for the help, both builds are good and Ill defiantly take some ideas from both :), again, thanks  

For a gaming rig a I7-4930K is totaly pointless.

For a gaming rig with some overclock potential, i would say I5-4670K or FX8350. and if you do some video editing stuff aswell, you could concider an i7-4770K.

I dont realy see why people keep recommending a 4930K for gaming, its actualy slower then hasswell. even a FX8350 can beat it in gaming + streaming.

Unless op is gonne do some heavy productivity stuff, or planning to run more then 2 GPU´s then an i7-4930K could be interessting. but for a normal gaming rig not.

Yes, I do agree that the 4930k is a complete overkill for gaming.  A lot of money could be saved by using a cheaper chip, such as the FX-8350 or I5-4670k as stated above.

Up to OP if he wants to spend his full 1.8pounds on a rig, though.

Some options i come up with.

Option 1: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/3qQxP

Option 2: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/3qQzW

Option 3: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/3qQCz

You could tweak all those builds if you prefer more ram for example. or if you like to have a wifi card, or more storage, or add some extra case fans, you have alot of room left on your budget.

Or you could go crazy and buy 2 extra monitors for surround gaming. There is all room for it. ☺

Yep, these all look pretty good.

If you want to get into multi-monitor gaming, you may require a dual GPU setup, as a single card will require you to bump down some settings since it just isn't strong enough to push so many pixels.  I think dual GTX 780s is feasable in this price range.

yes, or two R9-290´s. and a 750W version of that psu.

About that surround gaming was offcourse just an example, what he all could do.lol ☺

Well there's always this ridiculous option. http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/3qS4H

Ill be able to strip my current gaming rig for fans, SSD and HDD, as well as reuse the case. That only jut came to mind, as for the 3930k, i there a noticable difference between that and the 4770k for video and streaming, as i want to do that?

I see your right and raise you a version of my own. http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/3qUUB

FX8350 or i7-4770K are both great cpu´s for gaming and streaming. ☺

If you do alot of video editing professional base then the i7-4770K could maybe be a better choice overall. 3930k or 4930K is in my opinnion still abit pointless, unless you do heavy productivity aswell.