1600$ gaming pc build help

Can someone build me a gaming pc with a 7990 and a i7 4770k . allso what is a good motherboard that can overclock. i will be using wifi so what is a good wifi adapter



should i go with w8 or w7

Ok I tried to take a shot because nobody else has yet. The problem is this doesn't include an OS because of the budget. The CPU, GPU and PSU take up a good chunk of it. Taking the mail in rebates out, it comes to $1595.

The wireless adapter I chose is the one I use and the only one I have experience with. I like it a lot.


Someone else feel free to jump in and give it a go.

should i run a 8350 with the 7990 beacuse the 8350 is only $200 and the amd mobos are cheaper than a intel mobo

unless you're editing, you dont really need a 4770k. 8350 might bottleneck some games, but in general the performance should be the same. You can probably find a 3770k and a z77 motherboard on sale and save $100 or so and get an 128gb ssd. The difference between the 3770k and 4770k are minimal. 

Heres my twist on the build i tryed to get as much into it as i could, with a little higher budget you could get an ssd in there, You could go down to the i5 4670k and save $110  but here you go http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1xwTp 

I put in a modular power supply thats gold rated, 16gb of ram which is a bit over kill, could go down to 8gb.  wasent able to fit an ssd in there.  this does include an os and the wireless adapter.  (if you switch the ram to 8gb and change the cpu cooler for a cheaper one you can fit a smaller 60gb ssd in there)