Hey guys, just wondering what your thoughts were on high end gaming rigs. This isn't a post where I'm looking for help or suggestions to build one, becasue I already know what ill be buying in the future with my money. This is more of a discussion post where I would like to hear your guys opinons and ideas on a sweet ass gaming rig. Feel free to post builds, parts, anything that is in regard to PC building! Cheers!
Maxes the $2000, and will be much better than your 3770k config you were planning. Faster, cheaper RAM (looks better, in my opinion. Rocking 16GB (2x8GB) 2400mHz kit in my build), better, more appropriate PSU, much better CPU cooler (the H50 is absolute crap), more SSD that's equally as fast, or faster, nice case - nothing special, all on a better platform, in general. X79 is much better than Z77, offering much better multi-GPU support, up to 64GB of memory, stronger CPUs with more cores, and generally is the best system for this budget. If you have any more questions, please, ask.
RAM voltage; it gave me the same error message on my system, with G.SKILL Trident X 1.65V 2400mHz CL10 memory, but it runs fine on a 3770k; 100% stable in MemTest x86. Shouldn't be an issue.