144hz vs 60hz(3x monitor)

Hi, so i am going to be buying a monitor or monitors pretty soon. I originally wanted a 1080p 24inch 60hz monitor such as the Acer g246hlbbid which is around 120euro, i could buy 3 of those and use eyefinity. I also have the option to buy a single 144hz such as the IIYAMA ProLite GB2488HSU-B1(about 250euro). My question is should i get a single 144hz monitor and maybe later on get 2 acer 60hz monitors or just get the 3x acer monitors. Would i see that much of a change with the 144hz in games? 

I have an interesting proposal for you, it will be a good compromise between high resolution and high refresh rate and it will be done on a single monitor.

You could get an Xstar 1440p monitor and OC the refresh rate (most get to 80-100hz) bear in mind you have to do a little bit of tweaking to overclock the refresh rate, its very easy however.

This would let you run at a higher resolution but still keep a higher refresh rate, also it would be more manageable for your 280x than 5760x1080.

Do you play more games that would benefit from the high refresh rate (shooters come to mind) or from the three monitors (shooters, racing games)? There are probably more games in both categories but this is just what I came up with off hand.

unless you have a truly monster gpu setup then getting more than 60 fps on an eyefinity setup seems implausible..

which renders the +60hz refresh rate monitors unnecesary

My friend has 3x monitor setup and he wants to get a 144hz because he only ever uses 1 monitor because 3 monitor surround is cool but you get tired of it and game compatibility can be a little rough too.  I am a fan of 120hz+ monitors and if you can push 90+ fps you will notice a difference in any game.  I got one for eye strain while playing fps games and if I am getting high frames It is much nicer to look at then a 60hz monitor.  I would recommend the Asus VQ248QE, and the BenQ 2411z can be found on amazon for under $300.

I remember a while back there was talk of a group order of the Korean monitors, I wonder if anyone else would want to do this again.

It seems like the price for the overclockable monitors price has gone up as the "multi input" non-overclockables have gone down.

Anyone have a reliable link for the best price of the overclock-able 27" monitors?