I currently have $300ish dollars to spend and I was thinking on getting a 1440p monitor from Korea. Should I buy one now or wait for a 4k monitor? Is it worth the upgrade from 1080p? Are these monitors any good?
https://www.massdrop.com/buy/monoprice-monitor (Is this perfect pixel, in Barnacules review or this he had a dead pixel)
stick with 1440p, none of these GPU's are able to play 4k games at any reasonable frame-rates, unless you have a 980 but even that doesn't do so well, a R9-290, or even a 970 will be fine with 1440p gaming.
I'm looking for monitors too and I have a 1900x1200 I have had for like 7 years. I would deff go with 1440p as most games will support that and you get the extra realestate when not in a game.
4K just... not gaming supported so its not worth it for gaming, more of a productivity and movie monitor imo.
I'm thinking in two to three years that a 4k monitor will be affordable and a gtx 1260 can run games at 4k. Two to three years use of a monitor would not be worth it to me.
Dead pixels/stuck pixels are very noticable. Basically it's one spot of your screen either permanently black or stuck on some color. You can't fix them yourself, and honestly someone saying a monitor is refurbished but has dead pixels is just fucking stupid. It's not in fully working condition if all of the pixels aren't working.
noticable? depends on the location. If it's near the edge probably not. towards the center much more likely. I guess it also depends on how anal you are about that thing, some people freak out, I don't mind them too much personally (even though they are very undesirable.)
pixels can be dead or stuck. Dead pixels are dark/bright (can remember which spots where the pixel has died. Stuck pixels are usually of a certain color, and *can* be fixed by applying a little bit of pressure on them to actually re-stick the interconnects that are not making contact/telling it to switch.