1440p or ultra wide 1080p for gaming?

I'm stuck and cant make up my mind. I know 1440p would look better, but I do love me more fov too. Doesn't really matter that the 1080p ultra wide would be easier to run, by this time next year I'll have a 970 or 390 at the least, maybe more if the cost of x99 motherboards go down.  But really I can't decide which would work best. : /

I would say 1440p. Ultrawide will probably cause strange problems in (some) games. 

It looks like a GTX 970 will run a 1440p at medium high for most games and would benefit greatly from SLI 970s to run at ultra

The question to ask yourself is what do I want performance for fps gaming or wow factor. Also graphic perception is not always a #. There are 1080p monitors out there that appear to look better for reasons other than resolution like pixel density, lighting, and color accuracy.