1440p or 3 Monitors with my GPU?

So I got a lump of cash ... aahhhh... its... owww... burning.... AHHHH!!!! a hole in my pocket... so much for these jeans :(

Anyways... I own an EVGA GTX 780 Classified... and I want to, well... use it... for ultra gaming/graphic design/CAD/CAM... very happy with my current rig, but I'm addicted to wasting money on it...

So, to 1440p, or not to 1440p...


Triple monitor 1080p setup (which I'm pretty sure I'd have to SLI to get decent frame rates... ughh @ buying another $600 GPU)... if you think otherwise I''m interested but I doubt it's ever recommended for a single card to run three monitors

Rig's in my profile if you're curious... recently added some more Enermax fans so SLI heat wouldn't begin to be an issue, it's like a silent tropical storm in there...

Just curious what you guys would do given what I already own...

Really, it is a tough call and what you want to do personally. 

I really don't like gaming on three monitors. There is something about it. I really can't put my finger on it. I think it may be the bezel in between but I really can't stand it. That being said I have three monitors hooked up to my GTX 780. I love having the screen space on my desktop and for multitasking, especially if you are doing video editing or like you want design work, it is nice to have more screens. I only game on one though. 

1440p. It is a lovely resolution and once you experience it it is hard to go back to 1080p. While it isn't significantly better quality wise there is a noticeable improvement and I really like it. Although certain text can be difficult to read but that just may be because I have shitty eyesight. The higher resolution will help though for design work and it will really look nice when you are gaming. That being said 1440p can hit your FPS hard as well but you can turn down AA and things to make it run better without losing much visual quality. 

It is up to you. Really though if you are gonna game in Surround you are more than likely going to need another GPU if you want to keep the framerates high and quality up for most games. Then you run into all the headaches that come with SLI... So it is a trade off and your decision personally on what you wanna do. 

If I were you, i'd get the 1440p monitor and use it along side your current, keeping the current as a secondary display. That way, you won't have to resort to doing anything like buying another gpu for sli.Then again, having three monitors is just so damn useful in terms of the sheer ludicrous amount of screen space you have. It's incredibly good for productivity. Once you've used three, it's difficult to go back.

Overall, i'd go with the three monitors but not buy another gpu but that's just what i'd do.

looking at 1440p monitors...







seems 1440p doesn't like fast response time... and the PLS / IPS screens have light bleed... :/

I'm a fan of Samsung (own a 60" TV and my current monitor)... but I dunno if it's worth the extra $150-200 and I'm open to other brands... if anybody sees something in the price range they can vouch for as a gaming monitor... plz let me know...

my other options are getting a calf tattoo I've been meaning to get forever and a Benelli pistol grip shotgun :P

http://www.benelliusa.com/supernova-tactical-pump-shotgun  <3

Well yeah but you have to understand the good majority of 1440p monitors aren't really meant for gaming so don't expect fast response times. they are probably between 5 to 10ms. if you really have money to blow look at that Samsung or the ASUS monitor. cause they are really good monitors.

Are you only after it for gaming, or do you do any work on your PC?

I do a good amount of graphic design and CAD/CAM as well... but I'm buying the monitor specifically to game on

Ah okay, hm, well for gaming, I'd go with the triple 1080's, however if you can get a 120hz 1440p I'd grab that as fast as possible.

Yeaaaa... I'd need a bigger PSU to SLI two GTX780 Classifieds.... I''m good on that... That would make a triple monitor setup around $1100... so really.... help me pick out a 1440p monitor... 

that Benelli shotgun is looking sexier every second haha

I'd go with the shotgun...

The ASUS PB278Q is a solid choice for gaming. It's the same monitor I use with my 780, and I get good frames in every game that I play. No problems. Though, a higher clock speed would help a little. I think it's a very appropriate choice. Really good middle ground for gaming, or any productivity. Probably easier for the 780 to push 1440p, in comparison to triple monitors.

If you went with three monitors, I would advise grabbing a second 780. However, that's problematic, and more costly.

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I have a samsung S27A850D and it works great for everything I find and has pretty much zero light bleed and my gtx780 can run pretty much everything at high or max with 60fps.